American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful Knowledge
To M. Quetelet, président de la Commission centrale de Statistique
November, 1852
I am instructed by the Society, to communicate to you their thanks, for:
Statistique de la Belgique. Population. Mouvement de l'état civil pendant l'année 1845, Bruxelles -1846. Fol.
Bulletin de la Commission Centrale de Statistique Tome III.
And to inform you that we have received from Dr. R. DUNGLISON the following volumes sent by you to him:
« Mouvement de l'état civil – Années 1849-50 »
« Industrie. Recensement général – 15 oct. 1846 »
« Agriculture. [Recensement général] – 15 oct. 1846 »
« Bulletin de la Commission centrale. Tome IV »
Dr. DUNGLISON will present his copies to the Society in future, and desires them to be directed to us.
I have the honour to be, Sir, your very obedient servant,
[signé] Cha. B. Trego
Secretary of the Am. Phil. Soc.
[timbre sec de la Société]