The Smithsonian Institution
At Washington,
Has receveid :
1°) Annuaire de l’Observatoire roy. de Bruxelles, 1854 : 21e année.
2°) Almanach séculaire, 1854.
3°) Eight 8vo pamphlets on miscell. subjects by Mr QUETELET, and a 4to one by Mr Ch. BABBAGE.
From the “Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles” for which the Institution returns a grateful acknowledgment.
[signé] Joseph Henry, Sect S. I.
Smithsonian Institution
Washington. Oct. 12. 1855
The Smithsonian Institution
At Washington,
Has receveid :
Annuaire de l’Observatoire roy. de Bruxelles, 1854 : 21è année
Almanach séculaire 1854
Eight 8vo pamphlets on miscellaneous subjects by M. QUETELET, & a 4to one by M. Ch. BABBAGE
From the “Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles” for which the Institution returns a grateful acknowledgment.
[signé] Joseph Henry, Sect S. I.
Smithsonian Institution
Washington. Oct. 12th 1855