Royal Observatory, Greenwich
To M. le professeur Quetelet &a &a &a
1857, June 13
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, at the Royal Observatory, of a copy of each of the following works
Sur le climat de la Belgique
Annales de l'Observatoire de Bruxelles Tome XI
Observations de Phénomènes périodiques 1854 & 1855
Bulletins of the Brussels Academy 1855 & 1856
Annuaire of the Academy 1857
Annuaire of the Observatory 1856 & 1857
presented by you
to this Establishment.
I request that you will be pleased to accept the expression of my thanks for this present to the Royal Observatory.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your very obedient Servant
[signé] G. B. Airy
I have also to acknowledge copies addressed to myself.