[New notation in pencil] 23 Sept N21
[administration number] 030
London 8th Augt [August] 1828
By Mr REGHELLINI you will receive the Variation Transit & Dipping Needle. We regret not having had an opportunity of sending them before. The delay has been no fault of ours.
You will perceive that the sum of fifty pounds is charged for the Variation Transit, a sum rather exceeding what was expected; but the care that has been taken in the execution & the introduction of some improvements to render the instrument more complete, we trust will plead our excuse in this respect.
The Mural Circle & Equatorial are both pressing forward & you may depend on our best endeavour to bring the work to a speedy & satisfactory conclusion.
Remaining Sir,
Your most obedt [obedient] & obligd [obliged],
[signed] Troughton & Simms
Prof Quetelet