[administration number] 001
136 Fleet St, London – 5 Sepr [September] 1831
Professor Quetelet
Dear Sir,
Since we heard your opinion that the present Government of Belgium would most likely carry into effect all the resolutions of the former with respect to astronomy, we have proceeded rapidly with the instruments; & which indeed were before in a very forward state. Your friend by whose kindness we transmit this letter has been to see them & we think will report favourably of our progress. ‘tis [It is] however extremely difficult, if not quite impossible, to calculate within a few weeks when such great works will be brought to a conclusion; so many unforeseen accidents are likely to occur & defeat our most strenuous endeavours. We think, forward as they are, that they cannot be completed before the spring of next year.
In the meantime, Sir, we are sure you will see that in constructing instruments of such magnitude, so much money is required as to render a deposit necessary in most cases when an order is given – we have not at present received anything; but considering the large sum we have already expended & the instability of European affairs, shall feel obligd [obliged] if you will make such an arrangement that we may receive five hundred pounds on account. Of course, under such circumstances we are willing to enter into an agreement to deliver the instruments at a certain time, which shall be fixed upon more mature consideration.
We are now considering the size of the pillars to [sic] & hope in our next to be able to send you the particulars.
Remaining, Dear Sir,
Your most obedt [obedient],
[signed] Troughton & Simms
Professor Quetelet