New York State Library
Regents of the University of the State of New York (ex officio)
Trustees of the State Library
To A. Quetelet – Brussels
Albany, Oct. 6 1857
I am directed by the Trustees of the State Library to return you their thanks for your donation of the
Observations des Phénomènes Périodiques, 1854-1855 4° – Rap. sur un mémoire de concours, 1856 – Note sur la détermination de la déclinaison magnétique à Bruxelles, 1857 – Rap. sur l'état de l'Observatoire royal, 1856
and to state that the same will be duly acknowledged in their next Annual Report to the Legislature.
By order
[signé] S.B. Woolworth
Per [?]
[signé] J.H. Hickcox